Talk: Preaching to the choir? Science communication and the audiences not reached
·151 words·1 min
Science Communication
I spoke at the Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference 2020+1 (PCST 2020+1) about not reached audiences in science communication. In the five-minute Insight Talk, I present the results from the project Science for All. The focus is on the typology of exclusion factors we have developed and the qualitative and quantitative data that underpins it.
Science communication on YouTube: Case study on the Earth Overshoot Day
·723 words·4 mins
Open Science
Science Communication
Cooperations with influencers have now also arrived in science communication - but have not been given much scientific attention so far. Lena Kaul, Philipp Schrögel and I want to contribute to closing this research gap with our case study „Environmental Science Communication for a Young Audience: A Case Study on the #EarthOvershootDay Campaign on YouTube“. To do this, we took a closer look at YouTube videos from WWF’s #EarthOvershootDay campaign.
Collection of Surveys on the Corona Crisis
·1612 words·8 mins
Science Communication
The spread of the coronavirus affects all areas of society, and so it is no surprise that there are now numerous social science surveys on the pandemic. This article is intended to serve as a collection and overview of such scientific polls. The focus lies on surveys about information and (media / science) communication around Covid-19.
Science communication, advising, and advocacy in public debates
·383 words·2 mins
Science Communication
“Science communication, advising, and advocacy in public debates” is the title of the article by Philipp Schrögel and myself in the recently published handbook “Science Communication” by Annette Leßmöllmann, Marcelo Dascal and Thomas Gloning at De Gruyter. (Unfortunately neither the book nor the article are OpenAccess.) The English text looks at the extent to which traditional policy advice by science has opened up and thus changed in recent years and what this has to do with science communication.
Feeling Left Out: Underserved Audiences in Science Communication
·430 words·3 mins
Science Communication
Science for All
In the project “Science for All”, my colleagues and I look at who science communication actually does not reach, what the causes are and what possible solutions there are. A first evaluation of our data has just been published in the magazine Media and Communication.