Hello, my name is Christian Humm and this is my private blog.
As the subtitle already promises, the blog is a colorful hotchpotch. Here you can find things from my everyday life that might be interesting or helpful for other people.
I studied media and political science at the University of Trier and Lancaster University. Till the end of 2021 I worked as a research assistant at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), more precisely in the Department of Science Communication at the Institute of Technology Futures. Since then, I am employed at the President’s Office at the Saarland University.
Before that, I worked at the University of Trier and headed the constituency office of a member of the Bundestag.
At KIT, I taught in the study program Science – Media – Communication and did research in the project “Science for All: How can science communication succeed with target groups not yet reached?”.
Furthermore, I was also involved in setting up the portal wissenschaftskommunikation.de as editor for the research section.
In my spare time I play rugby. Currently, at Stade Sarrois, in the past for that at Karlsruher SV add Rugby Trier, of which I still host and maintain the homepage.